Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What's In It For Me? The WIIFM Rule!

The WIIFM Rule!

It's the only question on every one of your readers minds!

Give your most powerful answer to that question in your headline and beginning paragraph and you're on your way to making money. Neglect answering that question and you lose before you even get started!

Everyreader is silently looking for what he can get, have, be or do. They need to know immediately what's in it for them or you will lose them to someone who is telling them what's in it for them!

The word 'You' should be used in your copy 10 times more 'I'.

The reader has no interest in your degrees or your trophys....he is only concerned with how he is going to profitby reading what you say. Your entire letter needs to be revealingwhat the reader 'gets' when he orders!

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